


Changzhi Jinghui Gangyu Science and Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprises engaged in scientific research, development, production and marketing. The research subjects of the company are mainly compound materials of corundum ceramics with materials of pipelines, pipe fittings and metallurgical coal injection accessories; the company aims to provide solutions to such problems as abrasion, corrosion and oxidation of conveying pipelines and equipment in metallurgy, electricity and mining fields, etc. Our company has established a multi-link, multi-filed and long-term cooperation with domestic research institutions in many fields such as the metallurgy; it has applied for and obtained a few national invention patents as well as many national and provincial science and technology progress prizes. The company now mainly has three categories of products: wear-resisting pipes, accessories for coal injection equipment and accessories for metallurgical machinery. Our company has more than 50 staffs among which scientific and technical personnel have accounted for 40%; for scientific and technical personnel, they are mainly engaged in company management, market research, product research and development, quality assurance and so on. We uphold the principle of “Quality Orien
李文明 出资金额:80 李思圆 出资金额:120
李文明 职位:监事 李思圆 职位:执行董事兼总经理
变更项目:经营范围 更新后 2014-12-10 普通机械及配件、工矿设备、机电设备、润滑油、汽车、煤炭、金属材料、建材销售;普通机械维修及配件加工。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)*** 更新前 ***普通机械及配件、钢材、生铁、汽车(不含品牌汽车)批发、零售。(法律法规规定禁止经营的不得经营,规定需经有关部门审批的持许可证经营。)*** 变更项目:经营场所 更新后 2014-12-10 长治高新区科技工业园内 更新前 长治市西一环路 变更项目:经营期限 更新后 2014-12-10 {2001-07-16,2020-12-30} 更新前 {2001-07-16,2014-12-30} "

  • 公司名称:长治市京辉刚玉科技有限公司
  • 成立时间:2013-04-28
  • 主营产品:净水、软水机;智能电暖器;团购礼
  • 注册地址:长治市大庆南路2号
法人名称: 李思圆
主要经营产品: 净水、软水机;智能电暖器;团购礼
经营范围: 计算机软件开发;耐磨材料、冶金配件、管件销售;冶金设备及配件加工(以批复文件许可的经营范围和期限为准)。()
营业执照号码: 140402100178***
注册资金: 200万人民币
经营期限: 存续
经营模式: 贸易型
主营行业: 净水
  • 山西晋城长治市大庆南路2号
  • 0355-8505722
  • 李思圆
  • 15534542735

