
本溪凤溪木工机械制造有限公司创建于2000年,是中国最专业、最具影响力的木工机械生产企业之一。公司坐落于辽宁省本溪县上堡工业园,现已建成 7000余平方米的生产基地,拥有优秀员工120余人,公司拥有自主进出口经营权,公司主导产品包括生产家具、橱柜、免漆门等家具的系列贴面设备。




Benxi Fengxi Wooden Machinery MFG Co Ltd was established in 2000. It’s one of the most popular professional wooden machinery manufacturer in China. The company locates in Shangbao Industrial Garden in Benxi, Liaoning Province. Currently we have a plant of over 7000 square meters and over 120 skillful employees. The company has set up to do import and export independently. Our main products are a series of laminating equipment used in the manufacturing of wooden furniture, cabinets and doors without painting.

Our mission is “Customer Oriented and Continuously developing new products with the technology innovation.” In over 10 years, We have implemented dozens of manufacturing equipment from other countries with the world leading technology.Our products have included the best quality parts imported from advanced countries, in example, the brand name vacuum pumps from Germany; the most advanced heating equipment to prepare the material to be pressed; The automatic cooling system is in the leading position in the world and we also have the air driven Liquid Sealing system which is the best in China. We have exported quite a few switching systems to Korea and it has been proved that our products are the best quality with very steady performance.
高显菊 出资金额:0.1万人民币 张凤伟 出资金额:49.9万人民币
高显菊 职位:监事 张凤伟 职位:执行董事兼总经理
变更项目:地址变更(住所地址、经营场所、驻在地址等变更) 更新后 2012-07-02 本溪满族自治县小市镇上堡村 更新前 本溪满族自治县小市镇西山路25号 变更项目:经营范围变更(含业务范围变更) 更新后 2009-12-11 木工机械设备、水力发电设备、钢板门成套设备生产及销售;经营货物及技术进出口(国家限制进出口经营的除外) 更新前 木工机械设备、水力发电设备、钢板门成套设备生产及销售。

  • 公司名称:本溪凤溪木工机械制造有限公司
  • 成立时间:2009-11-09
  • 主营产品:木工机械;覆膜机;水电站;
  • 注册地址:本溪满族自治县小市镇上堡村
法人名称: 张凤伟
主要经营产品: 木工机械;覆膜机;水电站;
经营范围: 木工机械设备、水力发电设备、钢板门成套设备生产及销售;经营货物及技术进出口(国家限制进出口经营的除外)(。)
营业执照号码: 210521004020***
注册资金: 50万人民币
经营期限: 在营
经营模式: 政府或其他机构
主营行业: 木工机械
  • 辽宁本溪满族自治县小市镇上堡村
  • 0414-6831618
  • 张凤伟
  • 13842440222

