


Shenzhen, Fenghua Marine Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. is a strong technical force, quality sound system professional manufacturer of processing equipment, automatic printing enterprises. Is also a research design manufacture installation services in one professional production enterprises, in addition to sales in China, in Southeast Asia, South America and other printing companies in widely used.

With the rapid development of the printing and packaging industry in equipment automation, since the company was founded has been to uphold the ""integrity-based, innovation, pursuit of excellence, create perfection"" is our unswerving business philosophy, and the innovation is to achieve the foundation of this philosophy. Processing machinery and equipment supporting the research and development before and after the printing paper brings together Japan Taiwan United Kingdom United States, and domestic and other places printing and packaging machinery industry in a number of corporate and technical elites, by perfectly sincere mutual trust and work together, we improve the machining processes before and after printing a complete set of equipment and the overall solution of whom all aspects of service in any process can be thought to provide proposals, technical support, spare parts supply, random technical documentation and operator training and maintenance services.
刘学涛 出资金额: 钱江钰 出资金额:
钱江钰 职位:监事 刘学涛 职位:执行(常务)董事
变更项目:指定联系人 更新后2014-04-11 姓名:电话:邮箱: 更新前 姓名:电话:邮箱: TAGQIUKU 变更项目:经营范围 更新后2014-04-11 塑胶制品的销售(不含法律、行政法规、国务院决定禁止及规定需前置审批项目);国内贸易;货物及技术进出口。(法律、行政法规、国务院决定规定在登记前须批准的项目除外)^塑胶制品的生产;普通货运 更新前 塑胶制品的生产、销售(不含法律、行政法规、国务院决定禁止及规定需前置审批项目),普通货运(有效期至2013年6月30日);国内贸易;货物及技术进出口。(法律、行政法规、国务院决定规定在登记前须批准的项目除外) TAGQIUKU 变更项目:商事登记换照 更新后 更新前 TAGQIUKU 变更项目:审批项目 更新后2014-04-11 《道路运输经营许可证》无 《建设项目环境影响审查批复》无 更新前 环保批文深宝环批[2008]660141号 道路运输经营许可证粤交运管许可深字440305157547号 建筑工程消防验收意见书深公宝消验[2006]第F-A330号 道路货物运输经营行政许可决定书深宝交许字【2009】349号

  • 公司名称:深圳市创丰华海洋机械设备有限公司
  • 成立时间:2010-12-06
  • 主营产品:亚克力制品、玻璃钢制品、水晶制品、彩画饰品、烫画饰品、水晶胶制品、树脂制品等
  • 注册地址:深圳市光明新区公明办事处李松蓈社区第二工业区第70栋第二层E区
法人名称: 刘学涛
主要经营产品: 亚克力制品、玻璃钢制品、水晶制品、彩画饰品、烫画饰品、水晶胶制品、树脂制品等
经营范围: 印刷机印前设备的生产与销售;国内贸易、货物及技术进出口。(法律、行政法规、国务院决定规定在登记前须经批准的项目除外)
营业执照号码: 440301105******
注册资金: 100 万元万人民币
经营期限: 在营
经营模式: 政府或其他机构
主营行业: 亚克力制品
  • 广东深圳市光明新区公明办事处李松蓈社区第二工业区第70栋第二层E区
  • 0755-27118276
  • 刘学涛
  • 0755-27118276

