
广东省汕头市东里粤鑫五金塑料制品厂位于汕头市澄海区东里镇南畔洲工业区(国道324线东里路段).是专业生产螺丝批(起子)的工业企业.主要品牌有:TOOLBOY,万高,万劲. 企业对产品质量严格要求.贯彻""品质至上,精益求精""的原则.产品严格按照国家标准和国外先进标准组织生产和检验,质量稳定可靠.产品畅销东南亚,中东.欧美等市场.深得客户好评. 企业设有由专业设计人员组成的研发系统.不断推出新型产品.领先业界.也可根据客户需要设计专业工具. 热诚欢迎新老客户光临指导.洽谈贸易.We locate in Dongli Nanpanzhou lndustrial Area. Chenghai Dist.shantou.Guangdong.China.,adjoin to the 324 National Highway.We are the professional manufacturer of. screwdriver. The mainly trademarks are TOOLBOY,WANGAO,WANJIN,which to meet different markets.ln the past ten years,We kept updating the technology and machinery to keep pace with customer""s growing and specialized needs.We set up the designs office last year.And patented three handle designs.We will patent more every year from now on.We are still growing,and we are proud of the products we sell and the service we provide,Our phillips tips are milled strictly according to ANSI/ASME the slotted tips are punched or milled strictly according to DIN,And the blades are fully hardened and tempered.We can also design handle for you as your will.if you just give us the ideas.We take personal pride to say that we deserve the best in the field in China.Please feel free to contact us for further details. Thank you!
李庆海 出资金额:35.4万人民币元 李书丰 出资金额:82.6万人民币元
李书丰 职位:执行董事兼经理 李庆海 职位:监事
变更项目:经营者 更新后2014-03-13 刘礼霞 更新前 张若娟 TAGQIUKU 变更项目:组成形式 更新后2014-03-13 家庭经营 更新前 个人经营

  • 公司名称:汕头市澄海区东里粤鑫五金塑料制品厂
  • 成立时间:1998-01-20
  • 主营产品:制造、加工:塑料制品,五金制品
  • 注册地址:汕头市澄海区东里镇南洲工业区
法人名称: 刘礼霞
主要经营产品: 制造、加工:塑料制品,五金制品
经营范围: 制造、加工:塑料制品,五金制品。
营业执照号码: 440583600******
注册资金: 0 万元万人民币
经营期限: 存续
经营模式: 生产型
主营行业: 制造
  • 广东汕头市澄海区东里镇南洲工业区
  • 0754-85300488
  • 刘礼霞
  • 13502965867

