云南省红河轴承厂,座落在风景优美的蒙自南湖畔,是具有自营进出口经营权的中型企业。拥有轴承、机械、起重设备、环保设备、铸造、铝塑复合管等四条生产线。年生产“0”“7”“8”类轴承及非标、组合轴承等:300万套;机械产品:2000000Kg;铸件产品:500000Kg;铝塑复合管:200万米,太阳能热水器:6000台(套),不锈钢储水塔:5000个。HC牌轴承是云南省名牌产品。所有产品均通过ISO9001:2000国际质量体系认证。本厂坚持“以科技进步为先导 满足顾客需求为目标 实施质量兴厂战略 执着名牌开拓市场”的质量方针。 我厂以质量第一,安全第一,信誉第一,用户至上为宗旨,热忱为新老客户提供优质服务,欢迎各界朋友来电来人洽谈合作,共求发展。 Emil:mzguofah@mal.hh.yn.cninfo.net , guofahong@mail.5322.com The bearing factory of Red River of Yunnan Province, is located in the southern lakeside of Mengzi of beautiful scenery, It is a medium-sized enterprise with power to engage in import and export trade of self-operation. Bearing, machinery, jack-up equipment, environmental protection equipment, casting, aluminium are moulded and compounds in four production lines of inning charge of etc. Produce"" 8"" and a kind of bearings of"" 7"" of"" 0"" and must mark and make up bearing,etc. annually: 3 million sets; Engineering goods: 2000000Kg; Casting products: 500000Kg; The aluminium is moulded and compounds to manage: 2 million meters, the solar water heater: 6000( set), the stainless steel stores the water tower: 5000. HC brand bearing is a best brand of product of Yunnan Province. All products pass ISO international quality system authentication of 9001:2000 . Our factory insist the quality policies of"" regarding scientific and technological progress as guide satisfied with customer implement quality revitalize factory exploits market by strategy persistent famous brand for goal by demand"". Our factory is with the quality first, safety first, reputation first, The user is the the highest for the aim, zeal offers the good service to old and new customers, welcome incoming telegram messengers of friends from all walks of life to consult cooperation, Seek development altogether.