Shanghai Shenchao Screen Printing Materials Co.,Ltd ,Shanghai Tuojia Screen Printing Materials Co.,Ltd ,formed Shanghai Shenchao Enterprise, is located in Shanghai Baoshan Industrial Zone, which is the most developed zone in China. Covering a total area of 10000 m2,with 8000 m2buildings, Shanghai Shenchao Enterprise is really a garden-style modernized enterprise.
Shenchao Enterprise Independent Corporation is established on January 1, 1996, from the start to its independence, from the independent to development, it has become the largest one of the leading enterprises in domestic printing industry Coatings. It has gone through 30 years of challenges and history tests, which is available to a larger scale of production, independent research and development and one-stop logistics, personnel, technologies such all-round quality of the service.
Shenchao tenet: ""Honesty is always the basic of Shenchao man; innovation is always the soul of Shenchao enterprise.""
Shenchao man are struggling with ideas perennially, always self-flogging, enrich themselves and contribute to the creation of national industry brands.
丁申超 出资金额:50.00万元 上海天波实业公司 出资金额:56.00万元
丁申超 职位:董事长 许荣伟 职位:监事
变更项目:注册资本(金)变更 更新后2014-06-03 1000.000000万人民币 更新前 50.000000万人民币 TAGQIUKU 变更项目:经营范围变更 更新后2014-06-03 木制品、木材、家具、建筑材料批发零售;园林古建筑建设工程专业施工、建筑装修装饰建设工程专业设计与施工。 【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】 更新前 木制品、木材、家具、建筑材料、钢材批发零售;木结构景观工程。 【企业经营涉及行政许可的,凭许可证件经营】 TAGQIUKU 变更项目:章程备案 更新后2014-06-03 2014-04-18章程备案 更新前 无
法人名称: | 丁申超 |
主要经营产品: | 汽车清洗机;污水循环机;水蜡机; |
经营范围: | 丝网滤布、印刷器材制造加工;汽配、装潢材料、五金、橡塑制品批发代购代销(以上涉及行政许可的凭许可证经营)。 |
营业执照号码: | 3101131******** |
注册资金: | 106 万元万人民币 |
经营期限: | 注销 |
经营模式: | 政府或其他机构 |
主营行业: | 汽车清洗机 |