
汕头市嘉迪豐绣品织造有限公司成立于2003年,位于汕头大窖工业区,拥有10余年的服装加工生产经验。公司现有国产及进口电脑平绣及珠片绣花机50余台,大电脑飞梭机等设备.专业服务于各大布市商铺、生厂商及商贸公司。 集各种绣花工艺产品于一体,款式时尚丰富多样,已与许多珠三角和全国各地的中大型工厂及商贸公司建立长年的贸易往来关系,并深得客户的信赖。产品销往海内外。 本厂产品包括:领花、水溶花边、珠片花边、婚纱绣花、亮片绣、特种绣、三合一毛巾绣、满幅刺绣、绳绣,可广泛用于服装辅料、内衣、时装、玩具、窗帘、手袋、鞋、台布、床上用品、饰品、围巾、披肩等系列产品。 欢迎您的咨询和采购.我们将为您提供优质的产品,竭心地为您服务! ShanTou City Ketvan Embroidery Weaving Co.,Ltd.was founded in 2003 in ShanTou DaJiao Industry Area, devoted in Clothes processing manufacturing over 10 years, supplying our products for large Urban fabric shops, manufacturers and business companies. Our specialized equipments include over 50 domestic or import computer flat embroidery and Sequins embroidery machine, as well as Large Computer`s Schiffli embroidery machine.,we provide sorts of embroidery techniques and products in fashion to world wide. We have been cooperating with a great many of large factories and business companies for a long period, and highly appreciated by our clients. We mainly produce Necktiel, Water soluble lace, Sequins lace, Wedding dress embroidery, Sequins embroidery, Special embroidery, 3 in 1 towel embroidery, Full size embroidery, Chenille embroidery, which are widely applied in Garment Trims, Inner Wears, Fashion Wears, Toys, Curtains, Bags & Pouchs, Shoes, Table Clothes, Bed Clothes, Accessories, Mufflers, Capes, etc. We wish to develop long-run and steady cooperation with all clients with both our product and service in quality.
柯书明 出资金额:87.5万人民币元 马玉趁 出资金额:87.5万人民币元
"柯书明 职位:执行董事,经理 马玉趁 职位:监事"
变更项目:经营范围 更新后2014-04-14 硅胶制品、塑胶制品、日用品、玩具产品的加工、销售。 更新前 硅胶制品的加工。 TAGQIUKU 变更项目:名称 更新后2014-03-18 汕头市金平区广宏硅胶制品厂 更新前 汕头市金平区澄宏塑胶制品加工场

  • 公司名称:汕头市金平区嘉迪丰绣品织造有限公司
  • 成立时间:2009-10-19
  • 主营产品:加工、制造:工艺品、工艺绣花、工艺织品、服装辅料、塑料制品、绣花机械及配件
  • 注册地址:汕头市护堤路111号
法人名称: 柯书明
主要经营产品: 加工、制造:工艺品、工艺绣花、工艺织品、服装辅料、塑料制品、绣花机械及配件
经营范围: 加工、制造:工艺品、工艺绣花、工艺织品、服装辅料、塑料制品、绣花机械及配件。(凡涉专项规定持专批证件方可经营)
营业执照号码: 440508000******
注册资金: 175 万元万人民币
经营期限: 存续
经营模式: 生产+贸易型
主营行业: 加工
  • 广东汕头市护堤路111号
  • 0754-82121928
  • 柯书明
  • 13502931713

