
福州汀薇儿针织有限公司是一家专业生产服饰产品的外资企业(隶属台湾典业有限公司),主营:针织帽子、围巾、手套,公司成立于1994年,有着超过15年的发展历史(台湾典业公司超20年),拥有各类专业设计师,采用最新的材料和新潮的设计,不断推陈出新,引领时尚潮流。一流的设计,一流的品质,一流的服务,产品深受美国、加拿大、日本、欧洲和澳大利亚等诸多知名品牌公司的青睐,产品100%出口。 本公司拥有全系列电脑生产线以及娴熟的手编技能队伍,这些都是向客户提供高品质产品的保证,通过不断整合技术和工艺,深信我们有能力向您提供:价超所值的高性价比产品,并确保按时交货,您的满意就是我们最大的成功,愿我们携手并进,共创美好未来!Backed by 25 years of experience, constantly creating and innovating, Dienwell has established a reputation for being one of the leading manufacturers in knitted hats and scarves in Taiwan .Continuous development in the design of patterns and materials sets the quality of our products at the top. Therefore, Dienwell""s products have achieved international recognition and have always received excellent feedbacks from our clients including many famous companies in USA , Canada , Japan , Europe, and Australia .Dienwell""s full-range computerized production line and experienced skill in handiwork are the foundations of our top-quality work and an assurance to our clients for delivering first-class products. By combining technology and craftsmanship, we work incessantly to provide the best product at the best prices accompanied by the best service and lead time in this field.DESIGN...At Dienwell, innovative design and quality production have always been in our mind when we develop new products. Our computerized production line, including computer aided pattern design and computerized knitting machinery, along with skilled sewing craftmanship, packing and strict quality control, assures that we deliver first-class products everytime. We strive and continue working hard to meet the
台湾杨锡彬先生 出资金额:15.0000万元
杨锡彬 职位:董事长兼总经理 蔡瑞满 职位:董事 杨锡宜 职位:董事
变更项目:增、补、换照 更新后 更新前 变更项目:信息公示联络员备案 更新后 更新前

  • 公司名称:福州汀薇儿针织有限公司
  • 成立时间:1994-03-28
  • 主营产品:酒店宾馆客房布草、床上用品批发城、酒店宾馆客房易耗品、酒店宾馆有偿用品、酒店宾馆客房清洁用品
  • 注册地址:福建省福州市仓山区盖山镇齐安路756号(福湾工业区10号地块)品牌车间GJ-15号楼五层(A14.5~A22)*(AA~AE)
法人名称: 杨锡彬
主要经营产品: 酒店宾馆客房布草、床上用品批发城、酒店宾馆客房易耗品、酒店宾馆有偿用品、酒店宾馆客房清洁用品
经营范围: 生产针织帽子、围巾、手套、袜子等服饰配件出口不涉及配额许可证管理品种。涉及审批许可项目的,只允许在审批许可的范围和有效期限内从事生产经营。
营业执照号码: 350100400016***
注册资金: 15万人民币
经营期限: 在营
经营模式: 服务型
主营行业: 酒店宾馆客房布草
  • 福建福州市仓山区三叉街东升路工业小区11号
  • 059183428444
  • 杨锡彬
  • 13509393987

