Yangjiang Huiye Industry Commerce Co.,Ltd is a professional producer of stainless-steel ware and plastic products,it is a powerful production volumin enterprise,such as knife set,scissors,barbecue set,kitchen ware,manicure set,mulitifunction plier,our products are beautiful in design with qyality-gurantee and various kinds,so ,they enjoy a good reputation both at home and abroad.
On our principle of ""equality and mutual benefit,customers and character first""we sincerely looking forward to cooperating with friend all over the world and development in the future.Welcome to patronize and make business negotiation.
郭家雄 出资金额:50万人民币元 郭家任 出资金额:450万人民币元
"郭家任 职位:执行董事,经理 朱素莲 职位:监事"
变更项目:经营范围 更新后2014-10-29 货物进出口,技术进出口,国内贸易。 更新前 货物进出口、技术进出口。
法人名称: | 郭家任 |
主要经营产品: | 不锈钢刀具;烤具;厨具;餐具;K |
经营范围: | 自营和代理各类商品及技术的进出口业务(不另附进出口商品目录),国家规定的专营进出口商品和国家禁止进出口等特殊商品除外。经营进料加工和“三来一补”业务,开展对销贸易和转口贸易;销售:轻工业产品、工艺品(不含金银)、百货、针纺织品、五金交电、建筑材料;国内商贸(不含国家专营专控)。 |
营业执照号码: | 441700000****** |
注册资金: | 500 万元万人民币 |
经营期限: | 存续 |
经营模式: | 生产+贸易型 |
主营行业: | 不锈钢刀具 |