广东·Wanlida万利达® ·汕头
Wanlida 万利达®
Cordless Electric Kettle
For more than twenty years, Wanlida has been building a famous international brand name of electric kettle, unremittingly conveying the new concept of international high quality life and bringing science, health and nature to all the Chinese people in the twenty first century. To serve people’s unremitting persue for life with up to date technology and human nature oriented design product is Wanlida’s commitment in China today.
Under the tenet of Science, Health, and Nature, Wanlida has perpetually contributed to the Chinese and overseas tea culture career, and successfully developed the Chinese and overseas tea set markets.
方泽山 出资金额:5万人民币元 方士达 出资金额:45万人民币元
"方建华 职位:监事 方士达 职位:执行董事,经理"
变更项目:营业期限 更新后2014-06-30 2024-08-14 更新前 2020-05-05 TAGQIUKU 变更项目:经营范围 更新后2014-12-03 食品销售;食品生产;销售:鲜活海产品、家畜,农副产品;货物进出口,技术进出口。 更新前 食品销售;销售:鲜活海产品、家畜,农副产品;货物进出口,技术进出口。 TAGQIUKU 变更项目:住所/经营场所 更新后2014-06-30 汕头市龙湖区龙盛工业区盛业四街22号一楼东侧 更新前 汕头市龙湖区春泽庄明珠花园商业大厦1103号房之一
法人名称: | 方士达 |
主要经营产品: | 服装; |
经营范围: | 生产、加工:煤气炉具,家用厨房电器具,家用取暖用具,通用真空应用设备、零配件,家用美容器具,保健电器具,护理器械;原辅材料及技术的进出口业务(但国家限定公司经营或禁止进出口的商品及技术除外)。销售:五金交电、电子计算机及配件,电话通信设备,电器机械及器材。兼营:塑料制品。 |
营业执照号码: | 440500000****** |
注册资金: | 50 万元万人民币 |
经营期限: | 存续 |
经营模式: | 政府或其他机构 |
主营行业: | 服装 |